Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

NON FICTION  Authentic Literature  Giroscopio Size: 6.1 x 9 in Pages: 80 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-532-2 Critical thinking / Natural sciences / Technology Mundos dentro de otros mundos. Una cuestión de escalas Worlds Within Worlds: A Matter of Scale Ana Elisa Martínez del Río (text) Manuel Rivera (illustration) Throughout their history, humans have designed numerous artifacts to glimpse what lies beyond the visual plane—the remote, the miniscule, the unknown, the inconceivable and the non-containable. Mundos dentro de otros mundos examines, as a visual excursion, inventions like the microscope, the telescope and other devices whose power reveals unimaginable realms, both large and smalls. This is a book to expand the imagination, and travel our world in a waywhere curiosity knows no limits. Giroscopio Size: 6.1 x 9 in Pages: 96 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-533-9 Autonomy and identity / Culture and society / Diversity, disability and inclusion Fuera de serie Out of Whack Mariana Osorio Gumá (text) Mariela Sancari (photos) “Be normal,like everyone else! Don’t be a freak!Why can’t youdo things like everyone else?".Teenager Lía wonderswhy people go through life thinking that some things are normal…when the truth is everything isweird.It leads her toponder about her own life story and those of the people aroundher,as shewonders,too,about themeaningof life. A journey of self-awareness wherewhat makes us different is the secret to life’s mystery. Authorwinnerof the: LIPPLABRASSERIELITERARYPRIZE Mundo Mosaico Size: 7 × 9 in Pages: 88 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-566-263-3 Critical thinking / Culture and society / Social sciences Estereotipos Stereotypes Tanya Lloyd Kyi (text) Drew Shannon (illustration) Sometimes, as much as we try to avoid stereotypes, they guide our behavior. Why does this happen? What causes them? Where do they come from? Is raising awareness enough to eradicate them? This book introduces us to the science behind the stereotypes and the diverse theories about their origins, while showing us the results of multiple studies that have documented biased behaviors in different social groups. In this book, science suggests some ways to overcome them and build a fairer and more inclusive world. Through everyday examples and current information, this work inspires us to look in themirror and ask ourselves what our own biases are, how these influence our daily lives andwhat we can (andwant to) do about it. Fake News Fake News Karoline Kuhla (text) Carlos Romero (illustration) Until a few years ago, writing and publishing was reserved only for writers and journalists. Nonetheless, digital technologies arrived with the new century and the introduction of social media into the daily lives of millions of people has resulted in anyone being able to post all kinds of information, not always verified or based on reliable sources. Hardly a day goes by without the media denouncing this phenomenon. But what exactly lies behind terms such as “fake news” and “lying press”? Karoline Kuhla explores what is the objective of spreading falsehoods andwhat we can do to distinguish fake news fromreal news, thus preventing lies fromdisseminating. Mundo Mosaico Size: 6.1 x 9 in Pages: 224 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-882-512-7 Critical thinking / Culture and society / Language and communication Mi historia comienza aquí My Story Starts Here Deborah Ellis (text) Santiago Solís (illustration) This book gathers the testimony of youngoffenders who'vehad to face the justice systemfroma very young age.This is Fred’s story,who ranaway fromhis violent parents andwas arrested for armed robbery at age thirteen; or Lindy’s,whohad to take care of herself andher five-year-old sister because their motherwas unable todo so.Each story is different, but the circumstances are the same: orphanhood, absentparents,poverty,schoolabsentism,addiction, or discrimination.Thiswork reveals tous thedebt that society holds towards the youngpeoplewho commit crimes and teaches us howa simple act of affection can change the course of their lives. Aninvitationtoreflectanddevelopempathytowards those young offenderswho remain trapped in a justice systemthat ignores their needs andwants. Bookwithhonorablemention for the: CANIEMARTEDITORIALAWARD BOOKBANKOFVENEZUELA Mundo Mosaico Size: 6.1 x 9 in Pages: 192 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-882-513-4 Adoption and orphanhood / Harassment, violence and discrimination / Social inequality   GRADE: G9-G10   GRADE: G9-G12 65