Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

Authentic Literature  HIGH SCHOOL | FICTION Recommended books for G9, G10, G11 and G12 grades (14 to 18 years old). Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 8.3 in Pages: 216 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-053-2 Emotions, self-knowledge and self-care / Family life / Loss and grief Lejos del polvo Out of the Dust Karen Hesse (text) Billie Jo is fourteen years old and lives in rural Oklahoma during the 1930s. Her family falls victim to the ecological disaster called the Dust Bowl, which dries up the land for years. Refusing to emigrate, her father is determined to stay home, so the family must face many difficulties, not only due to the drought, but also because of an unexpected accident. A verse novel that expresses the protagonist’s vision of loss, perseverance, and hope. Lo que dejo atrás What I Leave Behind Alison McGhee (text) Mauricio Gómez Morín (illustration) Walk and walk, many times without direction, with the sole purpose of getting away from the pain. Will has done this since he was thirteen. He is now sixteen and it may seem that his whole life goes by in the same unimportant places. But it is not like that. With each thought, each walk at dawn, with every little gift that he hopes ease the sadness that surrounds him, and each attempt to recreate a recipe he never learned, Will reminds us of the transcendence of the seemingly irrelevant and the void that stays after what is left behind. A hundred chapters with a hundredwords each, where introspection opens windows towards the sublime feelings that arise from the tragedy of life. Authornominated for the: PULITZERPRIZE Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 8.3 in Pages: 212 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-882-508-0 Growth and maturity / Loss and grief / Love and friendship   GRADE: G9-G10 61