Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

Authentic Literature   GRADE: G6-G7   GRADE: G6-G8   GRADE: G7-G8 NON FICTION Giroscopio Size: 7.1 x 9 in Pages: 68 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-882-510-3 Community action / Culture and society / Natural sciences ¿Por qué no me avisó mi perro? Datos y curiosidades que desmienten creencias populares en torno a los sismos Why didn’t my Dog Warn me? Information and Curiosities Which Challenge Popular Beliefs about Earthquakes Caridad Cárdenas Monroy (text) Emmanuel Peña (illustration) In most parts of the world, we are familiar with earthquakes. We have heard about them and experienced their consequences. Nonetheless, how true are the ideas regarding this phenomenon that people share in the media? Is it true that animals perceive the quakes before they happen? Will we be annihilated by a magnitude 10 earthquake someday? These and other questions are answered throughout this book, which invites us to ease the disproportionate fear of the unknown. A book that contributes to debunk certain beliefs around the seismic phenomenon that lack scientific foundation. Giroscopio Size: 6.1 x 9 in Pages: 80 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-102-7 eISBN: 978-607-540-490-5 Autonomy and identity / Emotions, self- knowledge and self-care / Growth and maturity Pequeño libro de los sentimientos y emociones Little Book of Feelings and Emotions Francisco Hinojosa and Tanya Huntington (text) Adriana Quezada (illustration) While people grow and relate to others, sometimes they experience new emotions that are too intense, inexplicable or even ambiguous. In this book, feelings are part of everyday life. Even though the way of understanding and expressing them is very different depending on places and time periods. A simple guide, like that offered by the authors, will always be helpful in understanding them, accepting them and, in this way, growing as individuals. Starting from the simple description of situations, this book delves into different aspects related to the feelings experienced by adolescents of this century. Mundo Mosaico Size: 6.1 x 9 in Pages: 80 Binding: Paperback ISBN:978-607-621-706-1 Culture and society / Social sciences / Technology Generación Robots Robots Generation Natacha Scheidhauer (text) Séverine Assous (illustration) Those robots that we used to see only in movies have now become a reality. In contemporary life, robots are everywhere and are responsible for countless industrial, medical, and domestic tasks. The robotic revolution has surpassed fiction and behind these advances we can ask ourselves: to what extent have they replaced human labor? Can humans be surpassed by the machines that they themselves made? Awise andwell-documented approach to the history of robotics, which not only addresses the issue froma technical point of view, but also froma cultural perspective and ethical reflection. La Otra Escalera Size: 7 x 8.3 in Pages: 60 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-970-200-828-6 Arts and jobs / Culture and society / Migration Lucila se llama Gabriela My Real Name Is Lucila Sonia Montecino Aguirre (text) Luis San Vicente (illustration) Lucila Godoy lived during a time when it was uncommon for women to travel alone. But that didn’t stop her: from a young age she traveled throughout her native Chile, as well as other countries. However, her most important journey was through her writing. Her poems and letters made her into a different person. Based on real documents and testimonies, this book brings us closer to the life of GabrielaMistral, one of themost important poets in Latin America. 60