Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

Authentic Literature Vida y fortuna de un muchacho inquieto que se convirtió en científico The Life and Achievements of a Restless Boy Who Became a Scientist Libia E. Barajas Mariscal (text) Víctor García Bernal (illustration) In this book we will meet Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora, the first Mexican scientist who dedicated himself to the study of astronomy, and who was born in 1657. This unusual biographywill inspire young people to not give upwhen struggling to achieve their dreams. La Otra Escalera Size: 9.8 x 9.8 in Pages: 24 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-968-592-061-2 eISBN: 978-607-621-909-6 Arts and jobs / Culture and society / Natural sciences Giroscopio Size: 9.4 x 9.4 in Pages: 40 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-386-1 Biodiversity, animals and ecology / Culture and society / Natural sciences El bosque entre nosotros The Forest Among Us Ave Barrera (text) Bruno Valasse (illustration) While cities often present blank faces, without room for the vitality nature affords, they sometimes hide the exuberance of plant and animal life, which contrast with streets and manmade structures. The main characters in El bosque entre nosotros invite us to join them and discover urban green spaces and their signature treasures, such as the peace that can only be found beneath the branches of a towering tree. Presenting amix of poetry and hard data, this book allows us to ponder about the inestimable value of green spaces within the confines of any city. Illustratorwinnerof the: LATINAMERICAN ILLUSTRATION Mundo Mosaico Size: 8 x 10.2 in Pages: 40 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-463-098-5 Logical and mathematical thinking / Natural sciences / Technology Inventos inspirados en la naturaleza Inventions Inspired by Nature Wan-doo Kim (text) Eun-jin Ahn (illustration) Have you noticed that excavator’s shovels are similar to mole’s feet? Or that barbed wire is very similar to the thorny stems of rose bushes? If you look around, you will see that many objects are inspired by nature. A fresh look at the creative process and the development of new ideas that invites observation, reflection and, above all, creativity. Mundo Mosaico Size: 6.1 x 9 in Pages: 96 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-204-8 Critical thinking / Diversity, disability and inclusion / Social sciences Cuestión de inteligencia A Matter of Intelligence Florence Pinaud (text) Séverine Assous (illustration) Intelligence does not mean the same for everyone. While some define it as the ability to understand and solve a math problem, others relate it to ingenuity, speed, and a sense of humor when confronting and resolving a situation. But what do we know about intelligence? How is it measured? Is it hereditary? A book that answers questions asked by children, and deconstructs preconceived ideas about the subject. Travesías en la ciudad Journey Across the City Ave Barrera (text) Bruno Valasse (illustration) Cities of the world seem to be chaotic, insensitive spaces, where there is no place for friendliness. However, they are also amazing places. The travelers of this book will show that the complexity of the means of transportation helps us, above all, to reach a meeting point where the lives of others are linked with ours in order to share experiences and from there find our way. A book that invites reflection about mobility to acquire newknowledge and achieve harmonious coexistence. Illustratorwinnerof the: LATINAMERICAN ILLUSTRATION Giroscopio Size: 9.4 x 9.4 in Pages: 40 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-018-1 Culture and society / Diversity, disability and inclusion / Technology Mundo Mosaico Size: 8 x 10.2 in Pages: 48 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-463-107-4 Arts and jobs / Logical and mathematical thinking / Natural sciences Matemáticas asombrosas de matemáticos excéntricos Amazing Math by Eccentric Mathematicians Seokku Ko (text) Jin-wha Kim (illustration) Did you know that math is good for making music, and that thanks to math it is possible to explore space and tell time? In this book you will discover the stories of Thales of Miletus, Pythagoras, Fibonacci, Descartes, and Gauss, five eccentric mathematicians who, by following their own intuition, methods and observations, made these and other discoveries. A fascinating historical andmathematical journey through the life and discoveries of five great thinkers whose ideas transformed our lives.   GRADE: G3-G5   GRADE: G4-G5 50 ELEMENTARY | NON FICTION