Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

Ediciones Castillo catalogue continues its commitment to quality literature for children and young adults with stories reflecting their realities as well as other culture’s helping them to understand and connect with diversity in today’s world. We take care to educate through emotions and ethics, enriching and transformingworld views and the values that sustain them. We are very happy to share books by authors and illustrators fromaround the world expanding upon our Latin American andMexican titles with the coming-of-age novel Seguir tus pasos by AliciaMolina (Mexico).We have also launched our new comics and graphic novel collection Castillo Cómics with our first title, Luna Ranchera by Rodrigo Morlesin (Mexico) andMariana Ruiz Johnson (Argentina),merging comic, picture book andMexican folklore in itsmoving tale of the power of music and creativity in the face of adversity. We are also including fresh Colombian voices with the launch of our newbranch there. Through books that resonate for readers, that they can identify with, we hope for transformation, the cultivation of curiosity and awe towards people and their lives. CASTILLO WITH YOU