Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

Authentic Literature Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 144 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-200-0 eISBN: 978-607-540-469-1 Emotions, self-knowledge and self-care / Loss and grief / Love and friendship Un golpe de viento A Gust of Wind Javier Peñalosa M. (text) Andrés López (illustration) One morning, Rodrigo's parents realize that their son is shrinking; but not even the doctor can find an explanation for this mysterious condition. Yet, Rodrigo and his family accept the changes and try to adapt to the new situation. Until one day, Rodrigo, also known as Frijolito, must leave, with his tiny body, to experience great adventures out in the world. A compelling novel about transformation, the struggle for survival, and farewells. Illustratorwinnerof the: INTERNATIONALAWARDFOR ILLUSTRATIONBOLOGNACHILDREN’SBOOKFAIR   GRADE: G4-G5 Un grandioso desorden A Big, Big Mess Javier Peñalosa M. (text) Anuska Allepuz (illustration) The lives of the brothers Felipe and Enrique take an unexpected turn when their mother gets a new job and must leave them for a while with Grandma Yaya. Felipe is happy because he can be messier than usual since Grandma Yaya doesn’t reprimand him, while Enrique strives to remain the A+ student that he always has been. The adventure begins when Chucha, their turtle, disappears and the brothers have to follow her trail. A fun novel about the possibility of reconciling and learning to live with our loved ones. Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 136 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-621-676-7 eISBN: 978-607-621-951-5 Emotions, self-knowledge and self-care / Growth and maturity / Love and friendship Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 144 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-970-200-854-5 Harassment, violence and discrimination / Language and communication / Love and friendship Querido Max Dear Max Sally Grindley (text) Tony Ross (illustration) D. J. Lucas is a famous author and Max loves her books. When Max decides he wants to be a writer, he sends a letter to D.J. to ask for help. In this way, a fun correspondence, not only about books and stories, but also about Max’s daily life, begins between the boy and the writer. A fun andmoving story about books, friendship and the difficult art of growing up, accompanied by ingenious illustrations. La historia de un pupitre vacío The Story of an Empty Desk Gabriela Peyron (text) Jonathan Farr (illustration) When Mauricio is researching the topic of bats for his homework, he never imagines what he is about to discover. As he also tries to make sense of his best friend’s strange new interests, he notices the school’s doctor and nurse are behaving in quite an odd way. Yet none of that worried him after he held hands with Andrea —the girl who meant everything to him—who mysteriously vanishes on the first day of their final exams. JoinMauricio and take a strange, twisting journey that leads to friendship, solidarity, justice, and bravery. Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 120 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-484-4 eISBN: 978-607-566-122-3 Harassment, violence and discrimination / Love and friendship / School life ELEMENTARY | FICTION 42