Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

Authentic Literature  Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 168 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-552-0 Arts and jobs / Community action / Language and communication La Gaceta de Landry The Landry News Andrew Clements (text) Luis San Vicente (illustration) Mr. Larson has lost his love for teaching, and he does the bare minimum to get by until his new student, Cara Landry, publishes a complaint in the gazette that she runs. This event causes a major debate at school about censorship and the freedom of press. This compelling story invites truth telling and highlights the importance of not hurting others whenwe do. Illustratorselected for the: BOOKBANKOFVENEZUELA   GRADE: G4-G5 Castillo de la Lectura Size: 7.9 x 10.2 in Pages: 40 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-055-6 Loss and grief / Migration / Social inequality Palabras en mi maleta Words in my Suitcase Samuel Castaño (text and illustration) People don’t choose to be migrants: sometimes it is the only option in a life or death situation. In this crossroads, people drift away without even knowing why they have to go. This is why many migrants throughout the world bear a pain that shows in their eyes whenever they think of the things they have left behind. Stories about migrants who collect words in their forced journeys to foreign lands. Bookwinnerof the: ANTONIOGARCÍACUBASPRIZE Selected for: THEWHITERAVENSCATALOGUE Castillo de la Lectura Size: 6.2 x 6.2 in Pages: 88 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-882-506-6 Arts and jobs / Community action / Language and communication Volando Fly Away Patricia MacLachlan (text) David Álvarez (illustration) It is rainy season, and like every summer, Lucy and her family travel to North Dakota to see her auntie Frankie, who is “as old as time” and still lives in the house where she grew up with her sister Magui, Lucy’s mother. For a long time, Frankie’s housemates have been milking cows, moles, grasslands, and “her friend”, as she calls the river that threatens to overflow soon. Lucy and her family get to her place a little before the storm arrives to suddenly shut off the calm. The journey of a family that through different languages reclaims the power of words, contemplation,creativity,and the complicitywoven by family ties. El último lobo de Salvatierra The Last Wolf of Salvatierra Jennifer Boni (text) Mercè López (illustration) Like every summer, Olivia travels by train to spend the holidays with her dad. The first night she hears a howling wolf in her sleep. But then, when she tells her dad and other people about it, they say that it’s impossible, since the last wolf that lived in the surrounding forests was hunted many years ago. Olivia is surprised by the news, as she hears the howls every night, each time sharper and clearer. With the help of her friend Pedro, Olivia decides to track the animal, without suspecting that in her search she will discover an amazing talent of her own. A surprising story about the importance of respecting, caring, and developing empathy for the animals withwhomwe share the planet. Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 140 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-994-676-0 Autonomy and identity / Biodiversity, animals and ecology / Emotions, self-knowledge and self-care Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 112 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-052-5 Arts and jobs / Language and communication / School life Fríndel Frindle Andrew Clements (text) Luis San Vicente (illustration) Professor Granger is different from every other teacher Nick has had. Unlike professor Avery, who allowed him to turn her class into an island, the language teacher is a dictionary enthusiast. Everyone has to behave well in her class, as Nick finds out when he receives an exemplary punishment, after which he begins an ambitious plan: the invention of a newword. A story about the power of words, the imagination, and creative thinking. ELEMENTARY | FICTION 41