Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

Authentic Literature Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 72 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-970-200-978-8 Biodiversity, animals and ecology / Culture and society / Love and friendship Ladridos en el infinito Barking From the Universe Vivian Mansour Manzur (text) Darío Lucio (illustration) The streets of Russia are a great place for a homeless dog without a name. There is always some smell to enjoy, a gang to chase or a new adventure to undertake. At least that is what the protagonist of this story believes, until an unexpected event gives her, in addition to a name, an important place in history. An approach to the life of one of themost beloved characters in the history of the exploration of the Universe. Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 96 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-621-969-0 Diversity, disability and inclusion / Family life / Love and friendship Si mi luna fuera tu sol If My Moon Was Your Sun Andreas Steinhöfel (text) Nele Palmtag (illustration) The day when Max’s grandfather moved into the asylumwas terrible. That is howMax remembers it: helping his mother carry boxes, furniture, and junk. When he made his umpteenth trip, and asked for the umpteenth time if they could open the door for him, an annoyed nurse secretly revealed the code to open them automatically. This is what allowed Max to carry out his plan that summer day. Amoving story about the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, and self- knowledge. Authorwinnerof the: GERMANCHILDREN'SLITERATUREAWARD ( jugendliteraturpreis ) Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 152 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-621-298-1 Community action / Critical thinking / Love and friendship Los zorros no mienten Foxes Don’t Lie Ulrich Hub (text) Heike Drewelow (illustration) Two sheep, a goose, a tiger, a panda bear, and a monkey are stranded at the airport. All the flights are canceled. The announcement was made by the police dog that will soon meet Zorro, an elusive animal that will seduce the group with his adventure stories and then will steal their passports. A reflection on the importance of honesty that encourages being truthful. Bookselected for: THEWHITERAVENSCATALOGUE Los Encantadores de Castillo Size: 7.7 x 10 in Pages: 40 Binding: Hardcover ISBN: 978-607-745-365-9 eISBN: 978-607-621-917-1 Diversity, disability and inclusion Érase una vez lo que no fue Once Upon a Time That Wasn’t Juan Palomino (text and illustration) Once there was a prince and a princess who fell in love and lived happily ever after, but the outcome could have been different. What would have happened if the prince had been afraid of danger or if the witch was the princess’s friend? Destiny weaves many paths, and imagining something that didn’t happen can lead us through unexpected journeys. A book inwhich each image leads us to start a different story. Illustratorwinnerof the: INTERNATIONAL ILLUSTRATIONOFTHEBOLOGNACHILDREN’SBOOKFAIR IBEROAMÉRICA ILUSTRACATALOGUE Al principio, viajábamos solas At First We Traveled Alone Jairo Buitrago (text) Karina Cocq (illustration) During a road trip, Eva and her mother meet Nicte, an immigrant girl traveling alone, to whom they offer a ride. The girls quickly become friends. As they wander through cornfields, Nicte shows Eva how to find the North Star. They also run into the train which migrants hop on in search of a better life. A story about migration as well as those unlikely encounters that change us forever. Bookwinnerof the: CASTILLO'SHISPANICAMERICANAWARDOFLITERATUREFORCHILDREN ANDYOUNGADULTS ANTONIOGARCÍACUBASPRIZE BOOKBANKOFVENEZUELA Illustratorwinnerof the: JUNCEDA ILLUSTRATIONAWARD LosEncantadoresdeCastillo Size: 6.5 x 9.1 in Pages: 48 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-732-6 eISBN: 978-607-566-085-1 Migration Jomshuk. Niño y dios maíz Jomshuk: Child and God of Maize Adolfo Córdova (text) Amanda Mijangos and Armando Fonseca (illustration) There are many versions that recount the myth of corn-deity Jomshuk. This book tells one from the Popoluca people of Veracruz. It is a multi-voiced, syncretic tale of mythic gods and goddesses, wicked witches, and some Olmec rituals. The Popolucas’ worldviewon hunger,maternity, and the sacred value of food. Bookwinnerof the: ANTONIOGARCÍACUBASPRIZE Honorablemention for the: SOR JUANA INÉSDELACRUZ INTERNATIONALLITERATUREAWARD SHARJAHEXHIBITIONFORCHILDREN’SBOOK LosEncantadores deCastillo Size: 7.7 x 10 in Pages: 96 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-390-8 eISBN: 978-607-566-088-2 Cultural heritage and traditions   GRADE: G3-G5 ELEMENTARY | FICTION 40