Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024
Authentic Literature Mi monstruo Mandarino Mandarino, my Monster Verónica Murguía (text) Dani Scharf (illustration) Andrea has a friend called Mandarino Plátanos, an orange monster that only she can see. Since the day they met, they became inseparable and enjoy themselves organizing slumber parties and going to school or to the park. Nonetheless, Mandarino prefers to remain invisible, so she must keep his secret. What adventures await these friends? Do you think all monsters are the same? A story about the power of imagination to overcome fears and to dare to explore lifewith greater freedom. Authornominated for the: ASTRIDLINDGRENMEMORIALAWARD Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 44 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-994-672-2 Autonomy and identity / Emotions, self-knowledge and self-care / Love and friendship Castillo de la Lectura Size: 9.4 x 7.4 in Pages: 32 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-566-264-0 Community action / School life / Social inequality Gabriela camina mucho Gabriela Walks a Lot Jairo Buitrago (text) Eva Sánchez (illustration) Like every day,Gabriela says goodbye to her grandmother and sets off on her way to school before the shiny sunwakes up.However,today two gray clouds have embraced the sun and they've announced an imminent stormwhich threatens to transformher journey into an adventure.And even thoughGabriela knows that each step takes her closer to her teacher and classmates,she remembers that in her daily walks,life alsomanifests itself: sometimesmagnificent; at times, enigmatic; and,every nowand then,brutally defiant. Join Gabriela's adventure and discover how the obstacles in our path may showus the abilities we have to overcome themwith the help of thosewho care for us. Authorwinnerof the: CASTILLO'SHISPANICAMERICANAWARDOFLITERATUREFORCHILDRENANDYOUNGADULTS Selected for: THEWHITERAVENSCATALOGUE BOOKBANKOFVENEZUELA Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 64 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-970-200-849-1 Diversity, disability and inclusion / Harassment, violence and discrimination / School life Dibujemos juntos Drawing Together Mimi Thebo (text) Jessica Meserve (illustration) No one wants to play with Lucy on her first day of school, so the teacher gives her some chalk. Lucy begins to draw animals in the patio and doesn’t realize that Zac and Yaír are watching her. Little by little, Lucy, Zac and Yaír overcome their shyness, stop feeling alone in the new school and become best friends. A poignant story about tolerance, acceptance, and friendship. Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 56 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-037-2 Emotions, self- knowledge and self-care / Family life / School life Noé y Azote. ¡Un amigo a la medida! Noé & Azote: A Fitting Friend! Mim and Benoit Bajon (text) Aurélie Guillerey (illustration) Noé is a shy boy who has no friends at school or a little brother to play with. When he loses his ball and goes into the forest to retrieve it, he meets Azote, a peculiar mountain troll who soon becomes his best friend. However, despite the friendship that unites them, they will have to overcome some situations caused by their different ways of understanding the world. A story about friendship and self-confidence, that shows readers how to handle their emotions, such as anger or fear. Noé y Azote. ¡Una aventura de altura! Noé & Azote. A Lofty Adventure! Mim and Benoit Bajon (text) Aurélie Guillerey (illustration) Noé Tristán is the only kid in his class who does not know how to climb the rope. Penélope, the prettiest girl in class, encourages him to try, but his classmates don’t miss the opportunity to make fun of him. Even Julio, the strong kid, gives him the nickname “Can’t Climb.” After school, Noé meets up with Azote, his troll best friend, who suggests a trip to the forest to cheer him up. In this second installment of the series, Noé discovers he canmeet challenges if he perseveres and trusts in himself. Castillo de la Lectura Size: 5.1 x 7.7 in Pages: 56 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-371-7 Emotions, self-knowledge and self-care / Love and friendship / School life GRADE: G1-G2 ELEMENTARY | FICTION 26
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