Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024
Authentic Literature Mundo Mosaico Size: 11.2 x 8.3 in Pages: 36 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-621-690-3 Community action / Language and communication / Logical and mathematical thinking El magnífico detective Agente Guau Guau The Magnificent Detective Agent Wow Wow Cookie Lin (text) Chien-Hung Liao (illustration) Mamá Pato cannot find one of her ten ducklings although she has looked everywhere.Inconsolable,she hires the most astute detective of the forest who, accompanied by his audacious and irritable assistant, begins the search with only one clue—the duckling was after someone wearing a red cape. His investigation begins with the questioning of a hasty rabbit and a cat with boots. Will he be able to find the whereabouts of the lost duckling? A voyage nourishedwithmathematical, artistic, and literary notions that has different characters fromclassic short stories as special guests. Mundo Mosaico Size: 11.4 x 9.2 in Pages: 48 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-621-294-3 Critical thinking / Logical and mathematical thinking / Natural sciences Quizá Perhaps Guido Van Genechten (text and illustration) How does it all start? With nothing? Perhaps. This picture book is an invitation for the reader to imagine that everything disappears and then starts anew. Using primary colors and elemental geometric figures, the world is built and becomes more complex, until its parts break down on the way back to simplicity. Amagnificent picture book, with a profound and amazing simplicity about everything and nothing. GRADE: PK-G1 GRADE: PK-G2 Diente de León Size: 8.3 x 8.3 in Pages: 36 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-010-5 eISBN: 978-607-540-496-7 Autonomy and identity / Emotions, self-knowledge and self-care / Growth and maturity Ruge como jaguar Roar Like a Jaguar Ricardo Yáñez (text) Manuel Monroy (illustration) How can a jaguar be both beautiful and fierce? In this book, a jaguar costume—perhaps the most iconic animal in Mexico— embodies the aggressiveness that is usually associated only with the external, but which can also be found in children. Here is an attempt to integrate the identity of this majestic animal and express it through games and words. This book stimulates the recognition of emotions with different images fromour culture. Diente de León Size: 8.3 x 8.3 in Pages: 32 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-540-045-7 eISBN: 978-607-540-498-1 Diversity, disability and inclusion / Family life / Growth and maturity Dos y una. Una y dos Two and One, One and Two María García Esperón (text) Bruno Valasse (illustration) A little girl lives in two homes. One she shares with her mother and grandmother. In the other her world widens in an adventure with her father. These two places, rather than being opposites, complement each other. In these two places she feels welcome and builds her own universe. A book about belonging, which helps to explore and share symbolic and physical spaces. Authorselected in the: IBBYLISTOFHONOUR THEWHITERAVENSCATALOGUE Illustratorwinnerof the: LATINAMERICAN ILLUSTRATION 23 PRESCHOOL & ELEMENTARY | NON FICTION
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