Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

Authentic Literature  LeoVivo Size: 10.4 x 8.3 in Pages: 48 Binding: Paperback ISBN:978-607-621-998-0 Culturalheritageandtraditions /Culture andsociety /Languageandcommunication LeoVivo 1. Textos literarios. Preescolar LeoVivo 1. Preschool Literature Francisco Hinojosa (compiler) Alain Espinosa, Betania Zacarías, Cecilia Afonso, Cecilia Varela, Estelí Meza, Mariana Villanueva, Natalia Gurovich and Yara Kono (illustration) A compilation of short stories, riddles, songs, and rhymes. Through sounds and images, this book invites young minds to question the world and use their imagination, in order to deepen their understanding of their immediate environment: human body, family, and nature. A book that promotes interest in all the cultural richness enclosed inwords and beautiful images. LeoVivo Size: 10.4 x 8.3 in Pages: 64 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-621-997-3 Cultural heritage and traditions / Culture and society / Language and communication LeoVivo 2. Textos literarios. Preescolar LeoVivo 2. Preschool Literature Francisco Hinojosa (compiler) Claudia Legnazzi, Emmanuel Peña, Estelí Meza, Juan Gedovius, Luis San Vicente, Mariana Villanueva, Nina S., Renata Galindo, Víctor García Bernal and Yara Kono (illustration) A set of stories, riddles, songs, and rhymes that invite little ones to understand their immediate environment. A book that promotes interest in all the cultural richness enclosed inwords and images. LeoVivo Size: 10.4 x 8.3 in Pages: 64 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-621-996-6 Cultural heritage and traditions / Culture and society / Language and communication LeoVivo 3. Textos literarios. Preescolar LeoVivo 3. Preschool Literature Francisco Hinojosa (compiler) Betania Zacarías, Catalina Villa, Claudia Legnazzi, Elena Hormiga, Ixchel Estrada, Mángeles Vargas, Mari Pérez Pantoja, Paloma Corral and Roger Ycaza (illustration) A compilation of short stories, poems, biographies, and letters that invite readers to expand their awareness of social aspects of life, such as cultural traditions, the description of places, and the lives of others. A book that promotes interest in all the cultural richness enclosed inwords and images.   GRADE: PS-GK 17 PRESCHOOL & ELEMENTARY | FICTION Recommended books for PS, PK, GK, G1 and G2 grades (3 to 8 years old).