Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024
Authentic Literature GRADE: G6-G8 GRADE: G6-G8 Piensa por ti mismo. Una guía para entrenar el pensamiento crítico Think for Yourself: The Ultimate Guide to Critical Thinking in an Age of Information Overload Andrea Debbink (text) Aaron Meshon (illustration) In an age of information overload, this book shows how to think more deeply about life and current events. Covering a wide range of subjects affecting the world today, it helps readers to ask questions, analyze evidence, and use logic to draw conclusions, in order to solve problems and make smart decisions. Each chapter of the book covers one key step in the critical thinking process and includes a real-world example to help convey the importance and relevance of every step. Mundo Mosaico Size: 5.5 × 9 in Pages: 160 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-889-131-3 Critical thinking / Language and communication A clever and fun illustrated guide that teaches middle schoolers that young people can make a difference in the world just by thinking critically and understanding. Los derechos de los animales Animal’s Rights Florence Pinaud (text) Amèlie Fontaine (illustration) Do animals have rights? Do we knowwhat our responsibilities are towards them? What discoveries have scientists made about animal intelligence and emotions? What laws protect animals today and how can we learn to best live alongside them on a daily basis? Mundo Mosaico Size: 7.7 × 10.6 in Pages: 136 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-891-911-6 Activism / Biodiversity, animals and ecology / Environment A book exploring the connection between humans and animals, helping us to understand why we should respect them. 13 NEW RELEASES | NON FICTION
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