Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

NON FICTION Bookwinnerof the: JIA ILLUSTRATIONAWARD Selected in: THEWHITERAVENSCATALOGUE ANNUALLISTOF ILLUSTRATEDBOOKS INCHINA Bookselected in the: NATIONALEXHIBITIONOFARTANDDESIGNOFBOOKS EXHIBITIONOFORIGINALCHINESE ILLUSTRATIONS INTHEBOLOGNACHILDREN’SBOOKFAIR Booknominated for the: BIENNIALOF ILLUSTRATIONBRATISLAVA  Authentic Literature El increíble libro The Incredible Book Yang Sifan (text and illustration) The world is full of many fascinating things… So what’s so special about a book? Ask some animals and you’ll find there are many answers, because every book can be enjoyed in various ways. Join this book on a wonderful journey where every picture tells a story and shares the joy of reading with all the amazement, humour and imagination this involves. Pip pinta su retrato Pippin Paints a Portrait Charlotte Mei (text and illustration) Pip is painting his self-portrait, but his friends think he is got a lot to learn about painting. They take him to see portraits by other friends, inspired by different and famous artist approaches and mediums. Pip is feeling very deflated, but his little friend Minky helps him to dig deep and find the artist within him. Diente de León Size: 8.4 × 10.3 in Pages: 36 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-889-124-5 Books on books / Reading Mundo Mosaico Size: 6.9 × 8.7 in Pages: 40 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-889-149-8 Art education / Autonomy and identity / Emotions, self-knowledge and self-care The perfect book for starting a children’s love and exploration of books. Interactive, fun and irresistible. With information about artists, this book simultaneously engages, informs and asks young readers to question how they appreciate and create art.   GRADE: PS-GK   GRADE: GK-G2 ¿Nooo? Nooo? Yang Sifan (text and illustration) A pair of glasses with eight lenses, trousers with only one leg… Impossible, no? There are so many things in the world that at first glance seem completely weird, and yet, if you take a closer look, what appears rather strange for one person is for someone else totally normal. Diente de León Size: 8.4 × 8.4 in Pages: 32 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-889-123-8 Critical thinking / Diversity, disability and inclusion / Logical and mathematical thinking A book to observe and deduce, while stimulating creative, logical and mathematical thinking beyond simply right or wrong. GRADE: PS-GK 12