Catálogo Exportaciones LIJ 2024

Authentic Literature  Matemáticas para la vida Maths for Life Edward van de Vendel and Ionica Smeets (text) Floor de Goede (illustration) What happens when you let a class of school children replace boring arithmetic with maths lessons that are relevant to their own lives? Grade Five makes a deal with their teachers: this year they will do arithmetic that is important to everyday life. This is a celebration of mathematics, current and real, focusing on themes such as growth, environmental awareness and social development. Castillo Cómics Size: 6.7 x 9.3 in Pages: 276 Binding: Paperback ISBN: In process Community action / Logical and mathematical thinking / School life Bookwinnerof the: SILVERPENCIL BRONZEPAINTBRUSH Selectedby the: CHILDREN’S JURYPRIZE (FLANDERS) Recommendedby the: DUTCHFOUNDATIONFORLITERATURE Bookwinnerof the: TAIPEIBOOKFAIRAWARD Selected for: THEWHITERAVENSCATALOGUE Authorwinnerof the: HSIN-YIPICTUREBOOKAWARD Aprendiendo a decir adiós Practicing Goodbye Bei Lynn (text and illustration) Bibi, a dog, has disappeared suddenly. While her owner hoards memorabilia in her apartment and dwells on grieving and worrying, the narrative moves to the dog’s universe. It is full of happiness, timelessness, and freedom. When Bibi eventually returns home, he is older and comes back to say goodbye in a beautiful and meaningful way. Castillo Cómics Size: 6.3 x 9.1 in Pages: 152 Binding: Paperback ISBN: 978-607-895-468-1 Growth and maturity / Loss and grief / Love and friendship / Animals A touching story about loss and thematurity that it brings. Acclaimed as best seller by theDutchpress, this is considered a revolutionary book: a lively, varied and above all extremely uplifting story, far froma drymanual.   GRADE: G6-G8 GRADE: G9-G12 NEW RELEASES | FICTION 11